
Here we collect awards and tests that have been done on our headphones.

ZERO-TXTechsajten utser ZERO-TX till “Bästa budgetval”

Techsajten names ZERO-TX as "Best budget choice"

The tech site have done a big test on True Wireless headphones where they tested the ZERO-TX, among other things and awarded them with the "Best budget choice" award. “They sound like they would ...

ZERO-TXXperhotelsandtables rekommenderar ZERO-TX

Xperhotelsandtables recommends ZERO-TX

Xperhotelsandtables test group has reviewed the ZERO-TX and gives them a 9X out of 10X rating. "These headphones are exciting in their sound image, there is a clear and solid base in which the so...

ZERO-TXZERO-TX får högsta betyg och utmärkelsen "Bra budgetval"

ZERO-TX receives the highest rating and the award "Good budget choice"

The training magazine MAX power have now tested ZERO-TX and give them a 5/5 rating and also their award "good budget choice". "They are currently the most affordable headphones in the world, and...

ZERO-TXLjud & Bild tilldelar ZERO-TX "Bästa köp"

Sound & Image awards ZERO-TX "Best Buy"

ZERO-TX has received the award "Best buy" among wireless earbuds from the magazine Sound & Image . The headphones receive top marks and are described as "Best for the money" in the test. "If ...

ZERO-TXZERO-TX får 10/10 i betyg av Senses

ZERO-TX is rated 10/10 by Senses

The entertainment and lifestyle site have now done a test on our ZERO-TX , where the model is awarded the award "A must" and gets a 10/10 rating. " However, if you have a limited budge...